LEMON WHEY – for colds

1 lemon
1c milk or whey
1/2 c water
1 dess sugar – honey?

Grate lemon rind, squeeze out juice – put both in a saucepan with milk & water. Boil up.
Strain, sweeten and drink as hot as possible. Take on retiring at night.


This is very nourishing and cooling

60g pearl barley
500ml cold water
2L boiling water
sugar to taste
rind and juice of 1 lemon

Wash barley thoroughly, put in saucepan with cold water, simmer 15 minutes.
Strain off water and discard.
Pour boiling water onto barley, boil until liquid is reduced by half.
Strain, add all lemon, sweetener and set aside to cool.
Remove the rind and serve.