makes 4


1 cup water
2 tsp instant coffee
2 Tab gelatine
2 x 283g cans Tom Piper Fruit Mince Spread
1 x 283g can Tom Piper  Vanilla Creamed Rice
200ml cream

Heat water, coffee and gelatine together until dissolved.
Mix in fruit mince and cool.
Combine all ingredients and pour into 4 wet mould and chill until firm.



4 cups milk
Few drops of vanilla essence
6 Tab cornflour
3 Tab cocoa
3 Tab caster sugar
25g butter

Sift together the dry ingredients and blend with a little milk.
Heat remaining milk, butter & vanilla essence and add to blended mixture.
Return to saucepan, stir until boiling then continue to stir for 2-3 mins.
Serve either hot as a custard or pour into mould which has been rinsed in cold water & cover with buttered greaseproof paper, then chill for several hours. Unmould and serve with fresh fruits in season.