FRENCH SALAD (can serve with Steak Diane)

1 lettuce, crisped
3 parts best olive oil to 1 part vinegar (pref. tarragon flavoured)
1 clove of garlic
quartered tomatoes (optional)
red or salad onion, thinly sliced (opt.)
mint, finely chopped (opt)

Using a wooden salad bowl, mix oil & vinegar, seasoning and crushed garlic.

Tear crisp lettuce leaves into pieces about 52mm (2″) square. Toss in salad bowl until each piece is coated with dressing. Serve immediately.


1c each of flour and sugar
1 Tab melted butter
6 T warm milk
2 eggs
1 T cinnamon
1 tsp bicarb
2 tsp cr of tartar

Beat all together for 3 minutes with a cake-mixer (or 10 mins by hand-beater.
Bake in mod oven 15-20 mins and join with whipped cream.