CREAM PUFFS (uses up eggs)

125g  pl flour
60g butter
250 ml unscalded cream
3-4 large eggs
250 ml water
1 Tab icing sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla

Put water & butter into saucepan and bring to boil. Add flour, beat until smooth over heat until mixt leaves side of pan.

Beat eggs well and when flour mixture is cool, add eggs gradually to this. Mix well and put in small heaps on a greased oven slide.

Bake in mod oven 30 mins. When cold, make a side opening in each and remove centre.
Whip cream, add sugar & vanilla to taste. Fill puffs with cream & sprinkle with sugar. A little raspberry jam may be put in before the cream.


Scones – half cup of cream instead of butter improves scones.

Cook scones & pastry on top shelf of oven, sponges & large fruit cakes on low shelf or bottom.
Cook gingerbread on bottom of a cool oven.

Make perfect Scotch shortbread by always using plain flour and castor sugar.