Millet Quick Bread

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This bread is very good lightly toasted. This recipe makes 2 slightly small loaves. I’ve worked out the measurements for a recipe that makes slightly bigger loaves, but i only have the measurements worked out in grams. That is actually an easier and more reliable way to bake, but it does require a good kitchen scale. After adding each item, you reset the scale to 0 for the next item. 

Makes 2 loaves

3½ cups millet flour
¾ cup potato starch
1½ cups tapioca starch
scant ½ cup sugar
2½ Tsp salt
3 Tbsp xanthan
3 Tab baking powder
3½ cups water
½ cup oil

Oil and flour two 9×5 loaf pans. Preheat oven to 350°F.  Whisk the dry ingredients together. Mix the oil and water and add to the flour mixture.
Beat with stand mixer (on power 3 or 4 for a KitchenAid) for  1 to 2 minutes.
Dough consistency should look slightly drier than a heavy frosting.
Spread into loaf pans.
Bake 1¼ hours to 1½ hours.