serves 4

500g 5#  beef mince – if using 5# mince, skip step 1  – or 700g other mince
1 x 410g can tomato puree or 4 Tabs tomato paste*
1.5 cups raw elbow (or other) macaroni (pref. not too big) *
1 cup water
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning (1 clove garlic + 1/2 tsp oregano + salt)
1 cup grated Cheddar cheese
Salt 1.5 tsp

1.  Cook mince 4-5 mins on HIGH in a plastic collander placed in a dish to catch grease – stir twice.
Stove alternative – meat in metal steamer over saucepan with 1″ water; stirring gently to release fat. Note 1 kg gets reduced to 700g mince.

2. In a large casserole dish, combine de-fatted mince, tomato puree, raw macaroni, water & Italian
seasoning. Cook on HIGH power, covered, for 6 minutes. Stir then return to MW for another 6 mins. Take out, stir. Sprinkle cheese on top. Let stand covered for 4-6 mins before serving.

3.  Best served with carrots and greens.

* if using tomato paste, can add 1 finely diced onion & basil if you like
* if using a mince brand that usually has water already in it, use less water
*  if using larger macaroni or much smaller ones, need to add more pasta (and more water) and
cook for longer. It it is usually tasting too tomatoey, maybe add more pasta anyway.
*  Derryn loved the last time I made this – I had to de-fat a regular mince and I added onion & garlic!