185g ground almonds
2 egg yolks
435g (14oz) icing sugar
2 Tab sherry or orange juice
few drops lemon juice

Mix dry ingredients. Beat yolks & juices together and add to drys making a stiff paste.
Brush cake well with white of egg before placing on almond paste.

NOTES FROM ELSEWHERE:  Do not make it too soft. Roll out to size required, and press on cake.

1 c brown sugar
2 Tab milk
1 Tab butter

Place all in a saucepan on heat. Allow to boil about 10 mins until a little dropped in cold water forms into a soft ball. Take off heat then whip until it becomes creamy.

Spread on cake with a wet knife. Vanilla or lemon flavouring may be added before whipping.


125g ground almonds
30g grated chocolate
3 whites of eggs
15g ground rice
250g castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
15g shredded almonds

Put gr almonds and half the egg whites into a basin and cream well together for 10 mins.
Then add castor sugar & gr rice, v, gr choc and rest of whites. Beat all tog for 10 mins.
Put mixture into a bag with 1/2″ plain pipe, and pipe the mixt out onto paper in rounds the size of a 20c piece. Put shr almonds on top, and bake in mod oven for about 20 mins.