90g sugar
90g butter
1 c milk
1.5 tsp BP
2 Tab cocoa
1 dess honey
2 eggs
1.5c flour
pinch bicarb
1 tsp vanilla essence

Beat butter to a cream, add sugar, beat until very light. Add eggs, well beaten, and blend thoroughly.

Sift drys, add to batter with milk, honey & vanilla. Mix until very smooth.

Bake in hot gem irons (or patty/muffin pans) using a moderate oven.
When cool, cover with honey icing.

2c sifted icing sugar
1 Tab cocoa
vanilla essence
1 dess honey
1 Tab butter
hot water

Rub butter into sugar. Add essence, honey & cocoa.
Use sufficient hot water to make a smooth icing.
Put a coating of icing all over the cakes and roll them in crushed nuts/and coconut or just coconut.


Delicious for a breakfast change. Children love it.

Toast rounds, eggs, hot water, onions
1 Tab butter, 1 dess curry powder, 1 dess flour

Prepare a round of toast for each person and butter them.
Cut onions in circles and fry in deep fat, then place on toast.
Fry one egg for each slice of toast and place on the onion.

Make thick sauce:
Melt butter, mix in curry then flour, and sufficient hot water to thicken nicely.
Cook a few minutes.

Pour curry sauce over rounds and serve.