Cabbage Pie

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Delicious at any temperature, even cold from the fridge. And nothing could be easier to make.



  • 425 grams cabbage, thinly sliced or shredded (about half of one medium size head of cabbage)
  • 150 grams onion, diced (half of a large onion)
  • 1 bunch fresh Italian parsley, coarsely chopped
  • 1 tsp salt (or stir through the cabbage)
  • black pepper to taste
  • Optional: 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 3 large eggs, beaten
  • 80 gm all-purpose flour (about 3/4 cup of flour)*
  • 1 Tab vegetable oil, for frying the pie


  • Put the cabbage, onion, parsley. and seasonings in a large bowl. Toss to mix. Pour the beaten eggs over the mixture, and toss to coat. Sprinkle on the flour, and, again, toss to coat.
  • Warm the vegetable oil in a 10-inch non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Add the cabbage mixture, and mash it down lightly with a spatula. Then run the spatula between cabbage and skillet to create a round, or “pie” shape. Cover the skillet, and let cook until richly browned on the bottom — about 10 minutes.
  • Flip the pie. To do this, slide the pie, top side up, onto a large plate,. Carefully place the skillet over the pie, and then invert so that the bottom of the pie is now on the top. Cook, covered, until done — about 7 minutes. Slide the pie onto a plate or serving platter, cut it into wedges, and enjoy!
    NOTES:  * try substituting besan for the wheat flour.
    what is southern fried cabbage?

    – Tried it for lunch added a little Parmesan cheese. It was delicious and will try the leftover cold.
    – How good it would be for breakfast with a few rashers of crispy bacon on the side!
    – The grandkids loved them. – the wedges really appealed to them. Added a little cheese to top.
    – I added a can of white beans for more protein. We tried sour cream then shredded cheddar – It seemed to need a little something more for flavour.
    – I shredded the cabbage as finely as possible with a chef’s knife, and I then cut the shreds crosswise into shorter pieces. A mandoline would work better than a knife.
    – I think about 8 oz (225 g) of a cooked flavorful meat such as loose pork sausage, diced bologna, cooked diced ham, bacon bits, etc. would be nice to add.
    – This reminded me of a dish I had in Japan that had a soy based sauce on the side to use in touches.
    – I cooked some bacon pieces with the onions first, then added to cabbage batter before going back into the pan. A sprinkle of cheese once in the pan would be a nice addition too.
    – I also used parmesan cheese and a dash of Tapatio hot sauce. Yum.
    – Sauté some some ground beef and add it.
    – In a snap you could leave out the nutmeg then put some pizza sauce across the top of the pie then put your pizza toppings on and Shazam you have pizza
    – Add a good shot of hot paprika or cayenne instead of the nutmeg & serve it with a sour cream or yoghurt sauce like it’s a giant cabbage pakora